
An Attorney’s House Rules Pt. 03

Background/ Author’s Notes:

Debra Delaney is a 50-year-old white district attorney. She sent an 18-year-old black youth, Jamal, to prison over 3 years ago. He served his time and was then released from prison. Their paths crossed by chance after his prison release, and soon they entered a relationship where Debra’s typically strict and dominant demeanor became submissive to the now 21-year-old Jamal.

I recommend reading Parts 1 and 2 first for more background, although, this edition probably stands on its own. This story is still interracial with an older woman/ younger man element, although this part has a heavy element of exhibitionism. If none of that interests you, please move on.

Disclaimer — All characters are 18 years of age or older.


Debra Delaney reviewed the investigation report. The case rested on circumstantial evidence. She was sure the defendant was guilty, but a jury might find reasonable doubt without a smoking gun. She could present a persuasive argument for guilt, but the bastard defendant lucked out. His court appointed defense attorney was actually competent and cared about his defendants. She didn’t want to leave the case to chance that the defendant might end up back out on the streets without paying for his crimes.

She picked up her desk phone. “Jimmy, come to my office,” she commanded.

Within seconds, the door to her office opened, and Jimmy stepped in. Jimmy, an investigator for the law office, was a newer hire, but he quickly proved himself to be an eager and reliable worker.

“What can I do for you, Ms. Delaney?” he asked.

“It’s the Cooper case. The defendant says he was with his girlfriend all night, and she is vouching for him. She says they spent all night in her apartment on the night of September 14th. I don’t believe her. Prove her wrong.”

“How soon do you need it done?”

“Soon. Jury selection starts in two weeks. Can you get it to me this week?”

“If they were both there, I’ll get you that evidence, Ms. Delaney. If he wasn’t there with her, I’ll get you that evidence.”

She studied him for a moment. “I promise you he wasn’t there. Just get me something that proves she’s lying, so we can nail this bastard, and send Jeanne in on your way out.”

“Yes, Ms. Delaney.”

Jimmy quickly left and started on his assignment. A few seconds later, the office secretary, Jeanne, popped her head in the door.

“Ms. Delany, is there anything you need me to do,” she asked.

“Fetch me the next case file, please,” she replied.


Debra arrived home late that night. Such was the life of a district attorney. Working for an underfunded government, the cases were always piled up, but she felt an obligation to give each case her best. So many of the victims and their families deserved justice, it fueled her as she worked tirelessly to bring what measures of closure and justice she could for them.

Inside, Jamal waited for her. He had lived in her home for several months now, first as a boarder she took in, and now, as her master bull. It was her home and her money that paid for everything, but he gave her something that her money and prestige couldn’t provide. It wasn’t just sex. Debra was a statuesque dark-haired beauty, even as she passed 50 years of age. She could have her pick of men, but Jamal offered her an escape from the pressures of her day job and the excitement of a secret taboo life.

As she closed the door behind her, she stepped out of her heels and unzipped the back of her skirt, letting it slide to the floor. She instantly felt her nipples harden and a tingling in her pussy as she unbuttoned her blouse and let that also fall to the floor. She rarely ever wore a bra or panties anymore, so she was naked except for her black thigh high stockings.

“Jamal, I’m home,” she called out.

“I’m in the living room, ma’am,” he replied. Jamal, even as he controlled her, still unfailingly referred to her as ma’am.

He lay stretched out on a sofa, slowly smiling as she entered the room. He never got tired of seeing Debra parade around naked.

“Another late night working? You eat yet, ma’am?” he asked.

“I grabbed a sandwich on my way out and ate it on the drive home,” she answered.

“You want some chocolate dessert, ma’am?”

She nodded her head and knelt down in front of him. She rubbed the bulge in his pants before unzipping and sliding down his pants. Then she pulled down his boxers to reveal his cock. Even half limp, it impressively stared her in the face.

“You been making me wait? I’m a start thinking you’re avoiding me, ma’am.”

She took him in her mouth, holding his entire length inside her as her lips pressed up against his balls. Then she felt the blood pulse through his cock, and it grew. And again. And again. Within seconds, she could no longer hold his entire length in her mouth, and she started to work him over. Her wet slobber coated his cock as she slowly worked her mouth over vip escort the length of his shaft, deftly working her tongue over his manhood at the same time as his cock continued to grow and harden.

Jamal reached over and pulled her head back by her hair. She drunkenly looked over at him, the slobber all over the outside of her lips and the taste of his pre-cum on her tongue.

He smiled. “How about you ride me? I want to see them titties bounce, ma’am.”

Debra obediently rose and straddled his body. She reached down and directed his cock into her body. Jamal felt the wetness press down on his pubic hairs as she lowered herself onto him. She closed her eyes as she felt every inch of his cock slide in. Jamal always loved watching his black cock disappear inside her white pussy. Deb didn’t have kids, so her pussy was still tight, and her lips wrapped snugly around his cock.

And then she started to ride him. Jamal’s hands reached up to fondle her tits as she opened her eyes and stared down into his smirking face.

“I said I want to see them titties bounce, ma’am,” he repeated. His politeness bordered on demeaning given the lewd commands that often accompanied them.

Debra smiled and then started moving up and down on his cock. He mauled her tits for a bit and then pulled back to admire them as they bobbed up and down. Even though she was older, her body held up well.

Debra was self-conscious though. Her titties were not as firm as they were in her youth. There was a sag to them, and they swayed as she moved without bra support. Still, her B cup titties held form ok, and she let them swing freely for Jamal to enjoy. Maybe she wasn’t falling apart as badly as she feared. After all, the 21-year-old she was riding certainly didn’t seem to mind.

Debra could feel the bulging vein on Jamal’s cock as it slid along her pussy. God, it feels so good, she thought.

“Where do you want it?” Jamal’s question refocused her. He must be close to cumming, she thought.

“I’ll still take my chocolate dessert,” she smiled.

As she leaned over him to raise herself off his cock, he leaned forward and bit her nipple, causing her head to tilt back and eyes to close in ecstasy.

Then she knelt beside him again and took him back in her mouth. She had gotten used to the taste of her own pussy juice now as her tongue tasted her wet secretion coating his cock. Within a minute, he came in her mouth, shooting loads of cum into the back of her throat. She held him tight in her mouth as his orgasm subsided and the final drops dribbled out of his cock onto her tongue. Then she leaned her head back and opened her mouth for a second, so Jamal could see the milky white load before closing her lips to swallow the salty load down her throat.

She smiled as she sat on the floor and rested her head on his abdomen, her face turned away from him. Jamal stroked her hair as she closed her eyes to rest them for a minute. She was content.

“You’re spoiling me, ma’am,” Jamal spoke after a minute of silence. The tv droned in the background with commercials during the football game.

Debra drew a deep breath and turned back to face Jamal.

“If you’d told me a few months ago about all this, I’d have thought you were nuts,” she replied. “I’m not sure I understand it all myself, but all this…. All this makes me happy.”

“I never understood how come a woman like you ain’t never been married?”

Debra sighed loudly. “I’ve always been career oriented. I’ve dated lots of guys over the years, but marriage…. Oh, I always felt like a marital commitment would’ve conflicted with my career. And I chose my career.”

“Your parents raise you like that?”

“I guess so. My father was a lawyer, and I always looked up to him. He’s probably the reason I went to law school. My mom was a socialite, but she drove me to be successful in life, making sure I studied hard in school and pushed me to be successful in my career. They were like fire and ice, though, fighting a lot. They divorced after I went to college. Probably another reason I was never ready to jump into marriage,” she concluded.

“I been here a few months. They don’t ever come to visit?”

“My dad’s been dead for about 10 years. He gave me this when I was 12 years old,” she said as she fingered the small gold necklace with her initials shaped below a cross.

“My mom…. We don’t talk a lot,” she continued. “Mainly the major holidays. She was always more concerned with social standing whereas I was focused on just getting the job done right. God, I don’t even know how I’d explain you to her if she came to visit.”

“You a grown woman. Ain’t nothing to explain. You can live how you wanna live.”

“Easier said than done. We’re always kids in our parent’s eyes. Even if this kid is 50 years old and the age is starting to show.”

“You’re still real easy on the eyes, ma’am.”

Debra laughed. “I think it’s fading fast, though. Won’t be much longer till I’m just an old woman,” she mused. “There’s no secret fountain gecelik escort of youth, though. I stay in shape and eat right, but it all catches up with you at some point.”

Jamal had never seen Debra this vulnerable. “Maybe you should preserve some memories, ma’am.”

“Preserve some memories? What are you talking about?”

“I mean some nice photos or videos of you the way you are now. All sexy and alluring like. You know, before you’re nothing but an old woman,” Jamal smiled.

Debra laughed again, but the idea piqued her interest. She knew she still looked good. Maybe not as good as 10-20 years ago, but more than good enough. Maybe some proof, even just for herself, wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

“I wouldn’t mind helping you take them. I could be your photographer,” Jamal offered.

Debra looked up at Jamal and sighed. “You’re like this secret world I keep in my house to escape from everyday life. I can’t let anyone know about us. It would ruin me professionally. And I can’t ever have nude photos of me surface. That would be just as disastrous.”

“We can just add them to your house rules. Rules around pictures and videos. How about no face? No one would even know it was you?”

“I don’t know, Jamal. I need to think it over.”

“I think you’ll do it.”

“We’ll see.”


The next day at work, Debra held the case files in her hands as she idly thumbed through them. Her mind kept wandering back to last night’s conversation and Jamal’s proposal. He was right; she did still look good, and she knew it.

Plenty of boyfriends over the years had asked to take nude photos of her, but she always refused, for the reasons she gave Jamal last night. But, back then, she didn’t question if her beauty was fading. Now there was an extra consideration or incentive. That, and the thought of taking the photos added to her illicit excitement.

She had already surrendered so much to Jamal and completely opened herself sexually to him. What difference would some photos make? Or videos. Jamal had been good at following her house rules. He had done nothing to expose their secret. She trusted him.

After all, she reasoned, these photos would just be for her eyes only. And Jamal. Maybe she’d let him keep them as a keepsake of their time together if he promised to keep them a secret.

She became aware of wetness forming on her pussy as she thought about taking these kinds of photos and videos. She pulled her skirt up a little to expose the top of her black stockings as she sat in her chair behind her desk. She let her hand drift down to her neatly trimmed pussy and toy with it, her long nails teasing her sex organ.

A knock on the door interrupted her and quickly jerked her back to her senses. She quickly pulled her skirt back down.

“Come in,” she said.

The door opened, and Jeanne popped her head in.

“Ms. Delaney, sorry to interrupt, but the courier dropped off the papers you requested.”

“Thank you, Jeanne. You can just leave them on my desk here.”

“Is there anything else you need, Ms. Delaney?”

“No, that’ll be all, Jeanne. Thank you.”

Sigh, back to work, thought Debra.


That night, Debra and Jamal silently ate dinner. As usual, Debra was stripped down to nothing but her stockings. She was so used to being naked at home, it was basically second nature at this point. Jamal was out of his work clothes and changed into athletic shorts and a tee shirt. He had showered before dinner after spending the previous hour doing yard work outside.

Jamal placed his napkin on the plate after he finished eating. “So, you give any more thoughts to what we talked about last night, to preserving memories of yourself, ma’am?”

Debra looked up at him with a blank look. She bit her bottom lip and then spoke, “Yes. I think…. I think I’d like to do that.”

Jamal flashed a wide grin. “Great! We can get started then.”

“Wait! We need to talk how this will work, though. Everything that’s happened in this house, well, that stays in this house. We have the house rules. But this… these are data files. I can’t let them get out.”

“I can keep your face out of all the shots. You don’t got any tattoos or markings. Ain’t no one will know it’s you.”

Debra took a deep breath. “I trust you. So, these will be just for us, right?”

“I don’t know. If no one can tell it’s you, what’s the harm if they were posted online?”

Debra’s heart stopped. How could she reveal herself to the world like that? If she were ever discovered, she’d be ruined. And yet, the idea of anonymously exposing herself to the world intrigued her.

“No one would know, ma’am. You’d have to approve anything before it’s posted. I won’t ever do anything to you that you don’t let me do. You should know that by now.”

“Ok, why don’t we just see how it goes first? We can decide what to do with the photos later,” Debra decided.


Debra looked at her closet. She chose a matching set of lacy black bra eskort and panties to pair with the black stockings she already had on, and then she slipped a short black dress over it all. She pulled out a pair of black stiletto heels and slipped them on her feet. She stared at herself in the mirror, shook her head, and then went to the bathroom vanity and make up counter. She fixed her hair and applied make-up to her face. Better to hide the wrinkles and lines, she thought to herself. Debra, normally supremely confident was suddenly self-conscious of every flaw and wanted to feel her best, even if her face wouldn’t appear on camera.

After getting dressed and fixed up, Debra came back downstairs and entered the den. Jamal was finishing setting up a digital camera on a tripod in the room. It was a high-end device that automatically adjusted for different light conditions and captured both high resolution still shots and videos. The battery was fully charged, and the SD card was empty. Jamal had noticed the camera lying around the house a few weeks ago, otherwise, he probably would’ve just used a cell phone. But Debra deserved better than a cell phone photo, he thought.

Debra saw the camera and it gave her pause. That camera sees everything, she thought. Every line, flaw, and imperfection are visible. Oh well, I’m not getting any younger standing here. If I’m going to do this, it’s now or never. She decided it was now.

“So how are we doing this?” she asked.

“I thought we’d get some shots of you all dressed up, and then you could start stripping down,” Jamal replied. “Why don’t you move in front of the sofa?”

Debra moved in that direction and fidgeted. Even though she was naturally stunning and elegant, she had never modelled, and she suddenly felt strangely awkward, not knowing how to pose for the camera. Should she smile? How should she hold her hands? Her legs? I feel like a moron, she thought.

“Just relax, ma’am. Just be you,” Jamal reassured her.

Just be me, Debra thought. She took in a breath and then assumed her work demeanor, staring intently and confidently into the camera. Even if her face wasn’t visible, the confidence showed in the rest of her body language. She was authoritative and alluring.

CLICK! CLICK! The first shots were taken.

“You’re aiming from the neck down, right?”

“I’ll make sure your face isn’t in any shots, ma’am. Now why don’t you turn around? Maybe I can get a shot of you from behind and get your pretty hair in the shot since no one can see your face.”

She did as Jamal directed. She heard several more clicks of the camera.

“Now spread your legs and bend over.”

Again, she did as directed, her dress rising up to display the top of her stockings.


Debra relaxed and turned around.

“You want to let the straps off your shoulder and pull the dress down to your waist?”

She complied. Soon her dress lay on the floor. And then Jamal asked her to remove her bra. She hesitated. She had often worn bikinis to the beach and being in her bra and panties really wasn’t any different. But removing her bra was new territory. She turned her back to the camera as she reached behind to undo the clasp.

CLICK! The bra fell to the floor. CLICK!

She turned back around. She gently massaged her breasts, exposing her nipples to the camera. Then Debra sat back on the sofa, spread her legs and slipped a hand inside her panties.

Jamal no longer needed to direct her. She was moving instinctively. Even though her face wouldn’t end up in the shots, she played it up and pouted to the camera. She pulled her panties up till her camel toe was clearly visible before sliding the panties down to her ankles. She pulled her left foot out but left the panties to dangle off her right ankle. Then, with her legs splayed, she fingered herself.

Jamal worked the camera all throughout this display, capturing every moment. The moistness was clearly evident on the close-up shots of her pussy. He saw a damp spot forming on the sofa under her.

Debra was turned on performing this lewd and brazen display for the camera. While the one hand worked her pussy, she licked a finger on the other and then slipped it inside her asshole. Jamal continued to capture the performance as she quickly climaxed, rolling over onto her side as the orgasm receded.

“You did good, ma’am. I think you deserve a special treat.”

Jamal came over from behind the camera and lifted Debra back onto her feet. Her torso was still bent over on the sofa, however, as Jamal slid down his pants and inserted his cock into her.

“Oh God, Jamal!”

As sensitive as her pussy was in the moment, Debra instantly returned to a state of near orgasm as he entered her. She spread her legs apart for better balance and to give Jamal easier access into her, as he started pumping her pussy. She felt her titties swaying as he visciously fucked her pussy, pulling her hair back and slapping her ass.

“Jamal, fuck me!”

“You want to be my slut.”

“I am your slut.”

“I know you are.”

Debra screamed as Jamal continued to pound into her. Within a few minutes, he came deep in her pussy, as he let her body slide off him and she crumbled into a limp mass on the sofa.

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